By David & Amy Ensminger
Whether you are in a committed relationship or have been married for 50 years, the sure-fire way to create intimacy is to do something together! They are not just for one mate to do – build intimacy with your mate by handling all the details of the one you are initiating for your relationship.
- Walk along the pond or beach together, holding hands.
- Read a great book together.
- Go on a picnic to an isolated place (field, beach, football field, parking lot).
- Watch your wedding video together.
- Enjoy a sunrise or sunset together.
- Laugh until it hurts, about a story from your past together.
- Listen to romantic music together, while sitting in the car.
- Share with one another your favorite wedding day memory.
- Write short love notes about what you are thankful for about your mate & lay them around the house & car
- Snuggle in front of the fire together.
- Watch your favorite movie together.
- Spend 2 hours together on the couch together w/no TV, phones, internet. Talk or don’t talk, just spend the time together reading to one another, talking or snuggling. No sex, just intimacy.
- Cook a meal together.
- Ask your mate to describe the perfect time with one another to get him/her in the mood & then do your best to create it!
- Help someone in need together.
- Have fun! Have a water fight…equal weapons; arsenal & access to water are a must. No competing, just fun.
- Build a wonderful new memory together.
- Pray over your mate (99% in our trainings say on their surveys that is what they want from their mate).
- Pack a romantic picnic of finger foods and feed to one another.
- Write a love letter or poem and give to your mate,
- Watch a romantic movie together … trust me on this guys!
- Go through your wedding album together,
- Ask your mate “What can I do this week to help you feel I love / respect you?” – And then do it!
- Put on your favorite song and dance together in your living room or out in the parking lot!
- Light candles in the living room and have a picnic. Share with your mate why you love them.
- Buy a used copy of “Love Talk Starters” on Amazon.com or Half Price Books and answer a few of the questions in the book together every night for 30 days
NOTE: Notice there are no kids, friends or family involved in these suggestions? These times to create and grow intimacy are just for the two of you together!
Come up with your own list. You don’t always need money to do something together. Do your best at coming up with things that require little or no money.
Do at least one of the above a week and watch as intimacy grows in your relationship!
Want to do something to create intimacy that will really work & works FAST !!! Attend a Creating Intimacy & Respect Couples Training! For info or to register go to www.creatingintimacyandrespect.com
About the Author
David & Amy Ensminger are founders of Creating Intimacy & Respect which provides a 2.5-Day Couples Training and 1-Day Relationship Workshop's for Singles & Couples. For more information go to www.creatingintimacyandrespect.com
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