1. Ask your mate... “What can we do to improve our relationship?”
2. Then ask... “What types of intimacy would you like to experience at a deeper level?” (share with one another and honor your mates answers because they may be different from yours!)
● Emotional
● Physical
● Recreational
● Spiritual
● Social
● Intellectual
Now, create a “plan” together:
Discuss what steps you each think you can take as a couple? (remember what you learned from the training..."not wrong, just different"!)
1. Emotional: What do you need most from me when you are having a bad day?
2. Physical: How often would you like to have sex?
3. Recreational: What activities or sports would be fun to do?
4. Spiritual: Should we set aside a daily quiet/devotional time? What does it look like when we are having that quiet/devotional time?
5. Social: What things would you like to plan with friends?
6. Intellectual: What types of books/articles would you like to talk about?
7. ALL: How often should we have a date night?
8. ALL: How should we plan getaway weekends?
If you want to learn how to create intimacy in just a short weekend, go to www.creatingintimacyandrespect.com and register for October 8-9th’s training!
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